Monster Army

Athlete of the Month| Austin Dooley

Who influences you and why?

-I’d say that my parents, coach, and close friends influence me most. I trust their opinion on things and considering most of my close friends are also racers, being able to talk with them and share ideas is super helpful.

What/ Who inspired you to ride?

-My dad is who originally inspired me to start riding mountain bikes. I raced motocross for awhile while my dad rode bicycles and after getting so many injuries in a row, I decided to try mountain biking.

What are your proudest moments/ accomplishments in 2024 so far?

-My proudest moments of 2024 so far would have to be getting my first World Cup top 10 in Les Gets, getting 2nd at National Championships, and taking the win in Big Bear for the Monster Energy Pro Downhill Series.

What part of your riding are you looking to improve upon most this season?

-I’m mainly looking to improve upon my riding when the conditions get wet and slippery. Coming from Southern California, I don’t get to ride that stuff too often so I think adventuring out and riding it more often will help me in those situations.

Have you had to overcome any challenges that made riding an obstacle at times? (i.e. Injuries, support)

-Back when I was a junior racing World Cups, it was pretty tough. I was a privateer traveling around Europe, trying to figure out racing at the top level, and the results were not showing. After my 2nd year as a junior and not delivering results, I signed up for online college and did that while racing my first year as an elite. Something then clicked that year and I began getting some solid results and showing that I could do well if I put all my focus into it. From then on, everything I do is just focused around racing and I’ve been able to continue progressing.

What is your daily routine and how do you prepare yourself for a day of riding?

-I don’t really have a specific daily routine I do before riding but as long as I have a good breakfast, Starbucks, and some vibey music going, I should be setup for a fun day of riding.

Where would you like to see yourself in the next few years?

-In a few years I’d like to see myself racing World Cups and battling all the top guys for podium spots.

When I’m not riding you can find me at __?


Who would you like to thank?

-I’d like to thank my mom and dad, Commencal Schwalbe, Monster Army, Ryno Power, and Better Bolts for supporting my dreams of racing mountain bikes around the world.