Hi Svea, how’s 2018 kicking off for you?
Good, I started out the new year at the last Grand Prix in
Mammoth, CA. I threw a run with a new trick there so I was excited to be able
to put that together at that event. I am now able to spend a few weeks at home
getting back to school and training at my home Mtn. of Winter Park.
What do you have planned for this upcoming year?
I am getting ready to go to Calgary for the Nor Am and compete in
both slope and pipe. After that I am headed to Aspen Open, I may do some more
Revolution Tours as well. I have been focusing so much on pipe lately that I
want to take some time to ski slope this spring.
Do you have a trip planned for this season that you’re most
excited about?
I really like to go to Aspen so I am looking forward to the Aspen

What do you think your favorite place you’ve traveled has been to?
I did a camp in Saas Fee, Switzerland the fall and I really liked
it there. They had a good pipe, the weather was great and the town was
Any weird customs or experiences you got to have while traveling?
Ya, when I was in Saas Fe my friend Anna and I wanted to buy milk
for our cereal. We went to the store and there were so many different kinds of
milk. Everything was written in German, which neither of us spoke. We
ended up buying some weird half and half type of milk. It took a few trips to
the store before we finally found something that tasted like regular milk.

Are there any skiers that you look up to or that inspire
I look up to Brita Sigourney. She has a really smooth style and
goes big. I hope to ski like her in the future. I admire all the girls on
the Pro US Half Pipe team, they are all not only good but super nice and fun to
train with!
What advice would you give to younger athletes out there, just
getting started?
I would advise girl athletes to come out and give freeride a try. It
is really fun and there are a lot of opportunities for girls. Find some of your
friends and go to a camp together. There is nothing better than spending the
day on the hill with your best girl friends.
Any last thank you or shout outs?
I have to thank my sponsors Monster, Winter Park Resort, Saga,
Smith, K2, Full Tilt and Tyrolia. I really would not be able to travel
and complete without their support!
I want to give a shout out to my girls on Team Winter Park Free
Ski Ali, Mabel, Hannah and Hunter. Also shout out to my coaches DJ Montigney
and Jeremie Livingston thanks for getting me here and helping progress!