Hey Hanna, tell us how everything has been going?
Everything has been amazing! Ski season has come to an end, and I’ve just been enjoying summer with some boating!

What have you been working on lately?
I’ve been working on going to the gym, I try to go daily to keep my body strong and prepare for a ski camp I’ll be attending hopefully in July. Also been working on being super active this summer and doing as many activities as possible!
Where is your favorite place to ski?
I would have to say my favorite place to ski has to be Mammoth, as there are so many features and the pipe is always amazing and it is overall just a blast!

Who do you like to ski with?
I like to ski with my friends Svea, Alliy, Mabel, Hunter, Nate, Connie, Matt, Tristan, Mitch, and Jeremie. My family and honestly the list just keep’s going on!
What can we expect next from you?
This summer I’m hoping to go ski at hood and train their pipe and put down a lot of new tricks! So next I’m planning on having a more advanced pipe run and new tricks.

Do you get to enjoy Summer and wind down?
I try as much as I can to relax and chill during the summer, but I work a lot of the summer but when I’m not working, I’m usually hanging with friends and try to get on the boat as much as possible!

What’s your go-to chill activity? Definitely wake surfing and just chill in the sun on the boat.
Favorite food… I honestly don’t have a favorite food. I’ll eat almost anything and try new foods all the time.
Favorite music… I listen to a lot of different genres of music, so it just depends what type of a mood I’m in, but my go to is usually rap music most of the time.

When you were younger and people asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up, what did you say? Growing up I’ve always wanted to be a pro skier, I also have a love for animals and wanted to be a vet but the idea of being a vet never really carried on.
Any last thank you’s or shout outs?
I want to give a big thank you to my parents for always supporting me in my dreams and passions. I also want to thank Jeremie Livingston for everything he has done for me! Thank you to my older brothers for pushing me to get into park skiing cause if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be where I am today! Thank you to my friends Svea and Alliy for constantly pushing me, believing in me, and cheering me on! Lastly thank you to all my sponsor for the endless amount of support, and especially the whole monster team you guys are amazing!