How’s it going, Eddie?
2017 so far so good, although I am looking forward to 2018 with a
bunch of new competitions and tricks and bike shows out there for us.

Going back to August, you got hurt and were out of commission for a
little. How did your recovery go?
Surgery was pretty simple, surgeon said all went smooth, recovery
was tough though. Not being able to do
anything isn’t as easy as it sounds…lol, I couldn’t ride, couldn’t film my
friends, couldn’t even make my own sandwich but it all went pretty quick. Glad
that part of my life is over for now. I’m back to business though, BMX is
great, motocross is great, all back to normal and practicing away.

You also started your freshman year of high school after this
injury. How did your freshman year turn
Freshman year went really well. I wasn’t
sure what to expect as I’m not a big fan of schoolwork but I do know I’m not
getting out of it, so, it all went well.
New school, new friends, new classes and I made it out alive well, and
well above average!

You haven’t been able to compete as much, but you did do a couple
contests. However, you mostly were doing
BMX shows as well as training on the moto.
Was that a way for you to help make up for lost seat time on the bike?
All the lost seat time was the worst but I did manage to get back on
my bike asap…..I was looking for any way to get back to where I left off before
I got hurt. I miss competing and will be
back in the game 2018 as much as possible, as soon as possible.

With all of this training outside of BMX, you must be feeling good
and itching to get back to competition, yeah?
I’m soooooo itching to get back to compete, I’ve been riding and
practicing a bunch of new tricks I’ve always wanted to land and hope to get to
compete with them dialed!

What does a normal day in the life of Eddie Rovi Look like?
Normal, I have no, actually, it is super normal I think…I
wake up sometime between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. (in the summer) and float out to
the garage, mess around with a bike or two, bmx or dirt bike as something
always needs to be cleaned or tweaked then have some kind of breakfast, the
blast around on my ramps at my house for a few hours until my friends come over
and then we’ll go to a skate park or the pits to ride. Then we usually crash at my house, swim,
barbeque and repeat the same thing tomorrow! That’s normal, right?

Awesome! Thank you Eddie! Any shout-outs or mentions you would like
to make before you go?
I’d Love to. First and
foremost, thanks goes to my parents first for always supporting me in whatever
I do as well as huge thank you’s to Hyper Bike co. Snafu, Stumpy's, SC Action
Sports, The Incline Club, Hell on Wheels, Delb Lifestyle, Monster Army,
Nike and all you who have helped me, taught me, picked me up and dusted me off,
you know who you are....I thank you!
Follow Eddie:
Monster Army: /eddierovi30
Instagram: @eddierovi