While it may be summer that doesn't mean we've forgotten about all our snowboarders out there! We caught up with Monster Army Snowboarder Sergeant Jenise Spiteri recently and she gave us a few highlights from her last year along with some insight on what inspires her and what she's looking forward to for next year. Here's what she had to say in this weeks Monster Army Athlete of the Week!
- Who/ what influences you and why?
Wow this is a tough one. I guess I'm influenced by a lot of things. Girl shredders killing it right now like my BFFL Chloe Kim influence me to push myself and go bigger. Classic skateboarders from the Dog Town era influence me with their fluidity and style. The guys in the Videograss movies influence me to be more creative with my riding.- What / Who inspired you to start snowboarding?
I started skiing when I was 3 years old and by the time I was 11 I was tired of just making turns down the runs with my parents. I saw kids snowboarding in the park and it looked like so much fun. So I took a couple snowboard lessons and was hooked.
- What are your proudest moments/ accomplishments in 2013/2014?
Getting photos on the Transworld and Snowboard Mag websites for the first time ever was really exciting. I'm also really proud of my contest results this past season. I placed 2nd at a Volcom PBRJ stop and 2nd at a Transworld TransAm stop. I also made it onto the podium for Open class half pipe at Nationals.

- What part of your riding are you looking to improve upon most this year?
I'd really like to improve my free riding. There hasn't been enough snow in the last couple seasons to do any back country so this season I'm hoping to have the chance to get out of the park, and push myself on the mountain. It would be rad to jump off some cliffs, ride through a couloir and build a back country jump.
- Have you had to overcome any challenges that made snowboarding an obstacle at times?
I blew my knee out decking a jump in a competition in 2012 and had to get an ACL replacement. That experience was a big challenge both mentally and physically. I'm still dealing with getting my knee as strong as it used to be, and getting back to the mental place where I can hit big jumps again without anxiety.

- What is your daily routine and how do you prepare yourself for a day out on slopes?
I wake up at 7am and make breakfast (potatoes and eggs if I woke up on time, Pop Tart if I hit snooze too many times), then get on the bus up to the lodge at 7:40. I meet up with the rest of my Mammoth team mates at our team building at 8:30 and we all work out and stretch until 9. Then we get our stuff on and go out and ride with our coaches for the rest of the day.
- Where would you like to see yourself in the next few years?
In the next couple years I'd like to be competing in the Grand Prixes, other pro invitational events and traveling internationally for World Cups and other contests.

- When I’m not out snowboarding you can find me____________________?
Surfing in either the Half Moon Bay area or Southern California.
- Who would you like to thank?
John Graham and Grady Skelton at Rome, Flip at Happy Hour, Danny Kass and everyone at Grenade, Robby and everyone at Monster Army, my Mom and Dad, my friends, my coaches, and my rad boyfriend. Thanks!

Follow Jenise:
Monster Army - /lovejenlove
Twitter - @jenisespiteri
Instagram - @jenisespiteri
YouTube - /Jeniselikessnow